Most merchants don’t realize that there are many different costs for different cards types. Did you know that you pay a surcharge or higher rate to accept Rewards cards? Do you know if it is better to take a debit card through a pin pad or as a credit card? Are you putting in all of the required information when you hand key a transaction? Find out exactly how much you are paying to take credit cards at your business and find ways to significantly reduce these costs.

Making the switch to Omega is simple! It’s quick, it’s easy, and there is no disruption to your business.
We will fill out a short application over the phone.
- No Start-Up Costs
- No Long-Term Contracts
- No Strings Attached

Save on each and every transaction!
Once you have switched, all of your transactions will go through at the new, lower rates. Enjoy perks such as next day funding, and free equipment replacement!
Send us your most recent processing statement for review.
It’s easy, free and there’s no obligation!
We will create a detailed side-by-side comparison in a spreadsheet. This will tell you exactly how much you can save each and every month and help you make the decision to switch from your current processor.
Email: support@gootc.com