Suppliers, Distributors, and Service Companies…
Take Credit Card Payments with the Secure Online Payment Gateway with the lowest rates from Omega Transactions

Process all of your credit card payments through one easy-to-use portal
Securely store credit card numbers in the cloud
Require certain information (such as billing address, CSC/CVV, etc.) be entered in order to process a transaction.
Email & text invoices and receipts to your customers
Payment Gateway Features


With 33 years in business, Omega has setup B2B businesses with the best payment platforms and low rates. Contact Us Today. You’ll be glad you did.
How can you save money on credit card payments you receive from other businesses?
The Secure Online Payment Gateway from Omega Transactions, with one simple click, collects the additional data of each credit card needed to qualify your incoming payments for lower rates. The total credit card processing savings can be in excess of 1%.
Other Features
- View complete transaction details and receipts for up to 24 months (2 years) using convenient search functionality
- Merchant Email notification when a customer profile’s credit card is close to expiring.
- Ability to auto-void transactions that don’t receive the expected CSC and/or address verification responses.
Send Omega a recent processing statement in order to quote you precisely and accurately on your current rates.